SI 12


  • Solution for medium-hard and soft materials (salt, coal,
    phosphate, clay, etc.)
  • Heavy-duty, sturdy housing and wear liners for most difficult/
    extreme applications 
  • Weld-on hard-faced crushing teeth with various configurations
    for most difficult applications
  • Crushing teeth arranged in a spiral on the shaft equalizing
    torque peaks
  • Inclined side walls reduce the tendency to jam
  • Final product with small portion of fines due to limited speed
    of rolls
  • Monitoring by local operator panel


Sizer teeth


Sizer with inward rorating rolls


  • Highest lifetime of crushing segments and teeth
  • Fully automatic operation
  • High experience in custom-tailored product particle size distribution
  • Fast and efficient maintenance of crushing segments
  • Discharge seal without the need of maintenance
  • Fully sensor-controlled to avoid downtimes


  • Coarse size reduction of medium-hard and soft material (salt, coal, phosphate, clay etc.)
  • Throughput up to 4.000 mt/hr, depending on material characteristic and particle size
  • Feed material size up to 1.500mm, product particle size to 300 mm possible
  • Design of crushing teeth according to the material requirements (number, size, position, form, hardness)
  • Integration of Sizers in semi-mobile plants possible

Mode of operation

  • Crushing of the feed material by the two counter-rotating rolls, either between inwards rotating rolls (Center Sizer) or between the outwards rotating rolls and the lined housing walls (Side Sizer). Successive comminution of larger lumps
  • Fine feed material passes the rolls unhindered
  • Typically the Center Sizers are employed for pre-crushing, Side Sizers for medium-crushing
  • No clogging of the rolls by sticky material due to specifically designed scrapers
  • Final product with small portion of fines due to limited speed of the rolls


Sustainable value enhancement of existing equipment with regards to

  • Satisfying continuous operation
  • Whole lifecycle